P12. パリサ アブドラヒ
Abdollahi, P., A. Manickavelu, K. Kawaura, Y. Ogihara (KIBR, Yokohama City
U.) Genetic study on spike morphology of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum)
P13. 神山 智: コムギの倍数性進化に影響される遺伝子のゲノムワイドな発現解析
Kouyama, S., K. Kawaura, Y. Ogihara (KIBR, Yokohama City U.) Analysis of
global expression patterns in wheat during the allopolyploidization course
P14. 鐵 悦宏: 塩に応答するコムギNAC遺伝子の分子的解析
Tetus, Y., A. Hoshikawa, M. Saito, K. Kawaura, Y. Ogihara (KIBR, Yokohama
City U.) Molecular characterization of wheat NAC genes in response to salt-stress
P15. 成瀬 恒之: コムギにおける塩応答の遺伝的多様性の解析と遺伝子発現パターンの網羅的解析
Naruse, T., A. Hoshikawa, K. Kawaura, Y. Ogihara (KIBR, Yokohama City U.) Genetic diversity and global analysis of gene expression patterns in Chinese wheat cultivars for salt response
P16. 梅原 智和: 普通系コムギにおけるQ・q遺伝子のプロモーター解析
Umehara, T., M. Yasumoro, M. Takaku, K. Kawaura, Y. Ogihara (KIBR, Yokohama
City U.) Promoter analysis of APETALA2-like genes in common wheat
P17. 中村 真子: RNAi法によりα/βグリアジンを抑制した形質転換パンコムギの作出と2D-PAGEによるタンパク質の解析
Nakamura, M., M. Saito, Y. Tetsu, K. Kawaura, Y. Ogihara (KIBR, Yokohama
City U.) Production of transgenic wheat suppressing a/b-gliadins by the
RNAi method and their protein profiles revealed by the 2D-PAGE
P18. アラグ マニカベル
Manickavelu, A.1, K. Kawaura1, N. Yahiaoui2, B. Keller2, A. Suzuki3, K. Yano3, Y. Ogihara1 (1KIBR, Yokohama City U., 2Inst. Plant Biology, U. Zurich, 3Fac. Agr., Meiji U.) Comparative gene expression analysis of susceptible and resistance line in common wheat infected by Puccinia triticina
P19. 川浦 香奈子: パンコムギのゲノムおけるα/βグリアジン多重遺伝子の重複と分化
Kawaura, K.1, J. Wu2, T. Matsumoto2, H. Kanamori3, S. Katagiri3, Y. Ogihara1
(1KIBR, Yokohama City U., 2NIAS, 3STAFF Inst.) Structure of multigene encoding
a/b-gliadin in wheat genome